Why Online Therapy?


Is it right for me?

Access therapy on a laptop, smart phone or tablet!

Online therapy is as easy as it sounds! 

We meet online through a secure telehealth video conferencing platform or on the phone. Simple to use.

Access therapy on a laptop, smart phone or tablet!

Online therapy is as easy as it sounds! 

We meet online through a secure telehealth video conferencing platform or on the phone. Simple to use.


Here’s some benefits to help you decide if online therapy is for you.

Easy to Access

We make therapy as easy as possible to access. We know it takes a lot just to show up. We meet you in your world and all you have to do it show up!

No more waiting rooms and appointments across town.  Meet online in the comfort of your home. It’s accessible to people with disabilities, people who don’t drive and people in remote locations, either geographically or emotionally,  prevent them from attending in-person.


Meet during your lunch hour, whilst out for a long walk or in your living room. 

Online therapy opens up this important service to people working long hours, shift work, families with children (meet while the kids are asleep), couples and people who struggle to leave their home for many reasons.


Sessions are protected with bank-level encryption and security. Safe, secure, and HIPAA compliant.

Our privacy and confidentiality standards are, by far, more advanced than what is required by law or regulations, so you can feel safe and comfortable.

Protecting your privacy is our highest priority.



Therapy is a highly personal and private journey. Our services protect this.

While we think therapy is a tool everyone can benefit from, you still need privacy and be free from any stigma that may prevent you. We provide you with state-of-the-art security. You can be assured that your online counselling experience is absolutely private and confidential. No one will see you in the waiting room.


People choose online therapy because they can meet in the comfort of their home.

At times therapy is about exploring what’s not comfortable so we meet where you feel most comfortable. Your kitchen, bedroom or even the backyard; maybe your favourite place in the woods.

If you’re dealing with trauma, having less triggers and less change needed to access therapy makes it more doable. This comfort may allow for a deeper and more beneficial experience. You don’t even have to cancel if you’re sick or there’s bad driving conditions!



Some people live remotely and only have the choice of a few therapists, none of whom may have the experience or skill in the issues they are up against.

We have a small but dedicated team of highly experienced and skilled therapists to help you deal specifically with the challenges you are up against in your life.

Online Therapy is NOT for you if:


  • You have thoughts of hurting yourself or others
  • You’re a minor or you are under the care of a legal guardian and do not have their consent
  • You are in an urgent crisis or an emergency situation
  • You’ve been diagnosed with a severe mental illness, or if you have been advised to be in psychological supervision or psychiatric care
  • You are required to have therapy or counselling either by a court order or by any other authority

We’re here to answer your questions

Ask away!

Visit us at the  ‘Contact Us’ page and email any of your questions.  We'll do our very best to answer them all.

Call us at (855) 338 0322

Our Clinical Director will help you decide on the best therapist for you and get you all set up for your first appointment.

Learn more about us

Check out our FAQ's to learn how we can help you and the advantages of online therapy.

If not now, when?  We don’t bite!

You will be welcomed! IT’S OUR PROMISE.

1 855 338 0322

All across Canada  

* regulations may vary in some provinces

If you are in a crisis  – do not use this site. These resources can provide you with immediate help.