LGBTQ+ Related Issues

Struggling alone?

We provide a safe space and we can help.


LGBTQ+ Related Issues

It is revolutionary for any trans person to choose to be seen and visible in a world that tells us we should not exist.”

Navigating our inner world and external world is challenging, but the issues increase exponentially if we are repeatedly told we do not exist, who we are is bad, not welcome or hated. 

Living in a world where we’re not received for who we are feels intolerable. To then grow the insight to understand who we are and take the risk to share ourselves openly only to be met with judgement, shame and hate can be traumatizing and disempowering.

If you feel caught in any of the complexities of showing up as who you are, in your inner or outer world, let us partner with you. Our intent is for you to have space to explore, discover and own all of who you are so you can access your courage and wisdom to navigate the very real challenges in the external world.


I exist. I have the right to exist.

We are here for you.

1 855 338 0322

All across Canada  

* regulations may vary in some provinces

If you are in a crisis  – do not use this site. These resources can provide you with immediate help.