The Ongoing Process of Growth

Ready to dive deeper? Discover more of who you are? Claim sovereignty within your own mind? We are here!


The ongoing process of growth

“What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.” Plutarch

Many people use psychotherapy as a tool to foster ongoing growth and exploration of their inner world so they may continue to grow their freedom and change their outer world. Psychotherapy is like meditation, in that it’s a tool we can continue to use to grow our awareness and  live deeply in our inner world and brightly in our external world.

Our minds are both conscious and unconscious.  We can’t know what we don’t know, but through the process of in-depth psychotherapy, we can deepen our awareness of patterns and dynamics in our life so we can free ourselves from them.

“The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it.” -C.G. Jung

The more awareness we have of our mind, the greater our choice to be responsive rather than reactive and thus discovering our own unique liberated way!  This can be wonderful, rewarding, and ongoing growth!

One tiny step in a new direction may be the biggest change of your life!

We will step with you, one step at a time!

1 855 338 0322

All across Canada  

* regulations may vary in some provinces

If you are in a crisis  – do not use this site. These resources can provide you with immediate help.