Our Services

 We’ve got you covered!  We bring the experience, skill, expertise and warmth;  you bring you!


What are you up against?

We offer an inclusive, non-judgemental, allied space for you to share freely.
Our commitment is to create a space where you feel safe to be you!

Anxiety and Depression

Let’s think of anxiety and depression as vital information about your life not as a destination or a permanent state.  It’s perhaps a call to discover life on your terms from the inside out.  There’s a way through and create a life worth living. Let us work with you to discover your way.  We are here.


Stuck in the same fight over and over? Not sure if it’s worth it anymore?  Need change?  Conflict is a natural part of relationships and it’s always an invitation for change and growth.  We can help you move from conflict to connection. 

Trauma and PTSD

Trauma and PTSD can steal our life.  Experiences we should have never encountered can keep us stuck in the past where we get caught over and over again. Our team is equipped with excellent and cutting edge skills to help you get unstuck from trauma and reclaim your life.


Anger is one of the most misunderstood emotions. It’s often confused with actions taken in anger which can be brutal and devastating.  Anger itself is vital for life.  It’s always a call for change and will stay until the change is made.


The pressure for our child  to have “good” behaviour can cut us off from actually parenting our child!  Once we get unstuck from focusing on requiring good behaviour we can move into growing our connection with ourselves and our child and behaviour will transform all by itself!

Childhood Trauma and Attachment Issues

The impact of childhood trauma lives in our unconscious mind, yet can drive our experiences in our adult world. The past is only relevant if it’s present. The therapeutic relationship is intentionally constructed to heal relationship trauma from childhood.  We can help!

LGBTQ+ Related Issues

It can be isolating and confusing to not only find our way within a world that imposes boxes we don’t fit in, but to navigate the often hostile or unaware reactions of the world around us.  We are here to help you navigate internal and external challenges so you can become freer to claim more of who you are. 


Our minds can be amazing and scary places, especially when we’re growing and discovering ourselves.  At school we learn the ABC’s and 123’s, but often we aren’t given the basic and vital tools for understanding our mind and emotions. We can help!


Grief breaks us open and is a part of life we will all encounter. Loss comes in many forms.  From the death of a loved one, the loss of a animal companion, trauma, infertility, illness, relocation to name a few. Grief is terrain we don’t want to walk alone! We’re here.

Ongoing Personal Growth and Expansion

What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. Psychotherapy is like meditation in that it’s a tool we can continue to use to grow our awareness and  live deeply in our inner world and brightly in our external world.

We’re here to answer your questions

Ask away!

Visit us at the  ‘Contact Us’ page and email any of your questions.  We'll do our very best to answer them all.

Call us at (855) 338 0322

Our Clinical Director will help you decide on the best therapist for you and get you all set up for your first appointment.

Learn more about us

Check out our FAQ's to learn how we can help you and the advantages of online therapy.

Warning: We might brainwash you into believing in yourself!

You might even fall in love with yourself! 

1 855 338 0322

All across Canada  

* regulations may vary in some provinces

If you are in a crisis  – do not use this site. These resources can provide you with immediate help.